jOIN me


She makes words sound sexy, makes lying naked an artwork, a Picasso, Van Gogh, makes it look so easy, makes sophisticated flawless, makes beautiful illegal, bad as a mutha, she makes dark shine, sun rise brighter, she, make you look twice, no doubt about it, do a double take, the fantasy you often dreamt about, she makes life worth knowing, she’s so fine, it’s more than skin deep, it’s everything in between, she makes me walk backwards , just to see her more often, more than enough, she fills me up, makes life worth living, makes it simple, her complexity completes me, she awakens things in me, showers me with love everlasting, makes me weak makes me strong, makes me write these lifeless poems, epic, iconic, like a supermodel, she’s super, she’s the kind, the kind that makes kings bow down, make love worth making, I swim in her eyes, I trust her face, her touch, her sexy is my sexy, she makes it sexy, I want to taste her forever, taste her woman, live in her feminine,  swim in her essence, angelic, an angel from above, a angel from below, she’s twice the woman she was meant to be, meant for me, made for me, just for me, for my eyes only, I’ll sing songs for her write words about her, leave her breathless, she leaves me breathless, my speech impede the words she takes from my tongue, I live in between moments where she lives and where I am, I want to save her, capture her, captivate her, do the unthinkable, be the unthinkable, climb mount Everest, live in the wilderness, be the match to her fire, the left to her right, the wrong in her right,  the moon and the stars, her alpha, her omega, her private storm, I want to , to live in her past, from when she was conceived to the point of her birth, I want to be her everything, her in between, I want to be between her and life, each breath, I want to breathe, her space, I want her space to be my space,  united as one, be her one, her one and only, if just for one night or a lifetime.

****NEW POETRY 2015***

the BETTER SIDE of me

"Poetry has become an intricate part of my lifestyle."

" Everything can be exceptional, if you have faith in yourself."

A collective work of spoken words and poetry by ChloeJames. 
The Record has Ranked #1 on the Spoken Word Houston Charts on Reverbnation since her first release in 2013. 

An inspiration of love, talent, ambition, life and creativity.