jOIN me

The Expectations of Yesterday

The wind blew beneath me
I could feel the cool breeze
the air frozen
as my knees buckle
I couldn't speak
mumble not a single word
I couldn't walk
stumble or move forward
it was that cold
the air was that still
as I
stood amidst
and all there ever was in me
as the sound of my yesterday whispered
the strength of it, so powerful, it lifted me a bit
the yesterday.
I thought was left behind and so often I tried
to forget , just to leave it locked away 
but today
I wanted it to tell me the reason
for its visit?
the reason it wouldn't stay
where it should?
It's not like I didn't know it was there
I left it;
I buried it;
or so I thought,
until this moment,
where it now stood,
expecting answers, expecting me to respond
to give a single acknowledgement of its existence.
where did it come from and why here?
why now?
if silence would make it disperse
into the frozen life beneath me
I would forget again
it was ever here.

Copyright 2013