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Your Words, Your Love, Your Vows

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet" Plato

Did you know that wedding vows are more important to a wedding than the photography, cake and catering combined? The little words that marry you give meaning to everything else that happens during that day, and the promises that you make to each other during the ceremony set the parameters for your marriage.

So how do you find the wedding vows that are right for you? I recommend reading lots of them and seeing what feels right. Some religions will insist that you use canonical wording, but may allow you to also say personal vows. Even if your religion doesn't require it, combining classic and non-traditional wedding vows can be a way of honoring tradition, while personalizing your ceremony

ChloeJames Photography Personalized Vows just for you:

I commit myself to you
Our lives together shall be
in the presence of God
our friends
our family
I give myself to thee
in all that I am
and shall ever be
and all that you have brought out in me
I'm yours
through the good and the bad
the right and the wrong
for richer or for poorer
forever and ever
my love shall belong to you
love has no boundaries
in you
I boldly confess
my undying devotion
I love you
Written by : ChloeJames (c) 2011